Privacy policy


Studio Lytse is responsible under the Dutch Personal Data Act for the processing of the personal data which you as a customer provide us with. By providing us with your data you consent to Studio Lytse using the collected data to fulfil our obligations to you, thereby providing you with the highest level of service possible. The aim of the processing and registration of your data is sole to prepare, process and complete your order, to improve our customer service and for marketing purposes, Studio Lytse will not transfer your personal data to any third party for the purpose of marketing.

Data which is transferred to a third party is solely used in order to fulfil Studio Lytse’s obligations to you as a customer. Studio Lytse may transfer data to Studio Lytse’s sub-contractors in connection with deliveries (for example your address which is necessary to our suppliers and shipping agents in order for them to deliver your order).

Studio Lytse only process your data as long as it is necessary in order to carry out Studio Lytse’s services, or during any period of time which is prescribed by law. After this, your data will be deleted.

You may at any time write to Studio Lytse and withdraw your consent to letting Studio Lytse use your data for marketing purposes (for example by sending you newsletters, offers and such). If you wish to change your registered personal data or if you have any questions on which personal data we have registered please contact us:


Studio Lytse recognises the importance of protecting our customers’ privacy. We ensure that all information that you provide us with when using our services on Studio Lytse’s webshop is protected.

Studio Lytse has taken technical and organisationals measures in order to protect all data from unintended changes, unauthorised access or distribution, accidental loss and any other form of unauthorised use. However, Studio Lytse cannot at all times guarantee that the Webshop is free from technical defects, viruses or spam. Some functions on the Webshop may be inaccessible during short periods for the purposes of maintenance and updates. 


Studio Lytse is not responsible for the technical equipment and software which is needed to use the webshop. During short periods of time, there may be maintenance disruptions etc. and Studio Lytse is not responsible for any disturbances, disruptions or other problems that may occur in connection with this. Studio Lytse cannot guarantee that the webshop at all times will be free from defects such as viruses or spam.

Neither may Studio Lytse be held responsible for any misprints and reserves itself against any errors in pictures and texts. Studio Lytse liability for any claims (including indemnity) is under all circumstances, except for in cases arising out of willful conduct or gross negligence, limited to the amount equivalent to the price of the item (or items) which is/are the matter of dispute. Studio Lytse is never liable for consequential damages.


Dutch law applies to all agreements and legal relationships between Studio Lytse and the customer, regardless the country from which the customer places an order and regardless the country to which the order will be shipped.